The current exhibition, curated by Lene Harbo Pedersen and Jörg Koopmann, ends on Sunday January 26th and marks the end of the Lothringer13 Halle years with Jörg Koopmann as director.
The farewell and transition is celebrated loud and quiet two days before, with the team, friends, fans, skeptics and praisers, neighbors and newcomers.
On Sunday we can offer a tour of the current exhibition.
Lene Harbo Pedersen describes the background and references to the work of “altering” that can be seen in the nest, and Jörg Koopmann describes the processes and thoughts on the work “ongoing” in the hall.
The tour will be bilingual, German / English,…
One-time performance of a new choreography by and with Oona Doherty from Belfast. In cooperation with LucaTruffarelli who contributes the sound and the videos.
At 7 pm in the hall, after the show the entire exhibition opens on two floors.
Ketamin memories!
Hunter slips into a stream of consciousness with 3 levels of transcendence:
2 pm: The book speakers’ corner 2 and art-book-auction
4.30 pm: Curators tour with the team FOTODOKS
followed by coffee and cake in the Lothringer13 Rroom
We cheer and finish Photodoks 2019 with special events for the finissage:
As in the previous year, we present a wide selection of book titles from the shelves…
Media artist Rana ElNemr is rooted in the art scene of Cairo and its urban environment. She moves from formalistic, photographic explorations to genre-critical, visual “essays” of her environment. She deals with questions of experience in space and time. Formal imaging techniques combine them with contemporary, artistic practices and explore forms of transdisciplinary collaboration in…
Mats Staub:
death and birth in my life
26.10 – 8.11.2019
In his video project, Mats Staub explores the existential boundary and transition experiences of life: being born, dying, the beginning and end of life. He approaches these universal events via individual stories from different parts of the world. He brought together people…
Don´t leave munich before the evening, as fotodoks has its final lecture and talks today. How about coffe and photobooks in the Rroom before, buy the books you spotted the days before and then follow the program:
day four:
Artist Talk A journey through Germany. The NSU…
Saturday, still hungry for content, and the menu is rich and filling with international guests
day three:
Artist Talk Niemandsland
Daniel Chatard in conversation with Amelie Bauer (environmental sociologist, LMU München)
Video Screening & Artist Talk Faxen and Twin Towers
Lisa Domin in conversation with Christina Maria…
and the festival program digs deeper and deeper, while food is on offer in the yard and books and coffe handled in the rroom.
day two:
4pm, Lothringer13
Artist Talk Apples for Sale
Rebecca Sampson in conversation with Cale Garrido (independent journalist, photo editor and curator, Hamburg)
5pm, Lothringer 13
Live Chat from…
the festival starts its 4 days of talks and presentation, placed in the Halle, surrounded by the exhibition:
Artist Talk Jean-Jaurès
Gilles Raynaldy in conversation with Jörg Koopmann (photographer and curator, Munich)
Lecture Ayiti CHAM project
Nicola Lo Calzo talks about his…