Karsten Neumann
Karsten Neumann has been working for 17 years on the utopia of Bethang, the merged urban space of NürnBEerg, FürTH, ErlANGen. As Bernhart Schwenk writes in the catalog “totalspinner”, this is a “fictitious and yet everyday political territory.” Since this summer, there is an officially marked trail around Bethang, 130km around the `city of culture and spirit´.
In the Lothinger13_Nest we install a dense, furious exhibition by Karsten Neumann, a multi-layered total-work-of-art that always inspires to perceive the near and distant surroundings and history precisely and critically.
3rd – 8th Dec 2019
On-site : the city-founding office Bethang is open
The artist is present from 11 to 20 o’clock, lunch break 14 to 15 o’clock.
4 Dec / 7pm:
Karsten Neumann in conversation with Nürnbergs city planning director Siegfried Dengler and the Lothringer13 curator Jörg Koopmann.