<p>Foto: Alescha Birkenholz</p>

Foto: Alescha Birkenholz

Every two years, the state capital of Munich awards its prizes for fine arts, architecture, design, photography and jewelery. The exhibition “Förderpreis 2018” will feature works by artists, offices and agencies nominated by the five juries from March 23 to May 27 at the Lothringer13 Halle.

Vernissage Thursday, 22.03.2018, 7 pm,

The opening speech will be given by Councilwoman Sabine Krieger, representing the Lord Mayor and Marc Gegenfurtner from the Cultural Department.

The artists, artists and offices nominated for the 2018 awards:

Visual Arts: Babylonia Constantinides / Judith Egger / Philipp Gufler / Leonhard Hurzlmeier / Anton Kaun / Raphael Krome

Arcitecture: Sofia Dona / Katharina Leuschner und Victoria von Gaudecker / Sebastian Multerer / Stephan Rauch / Olga Ritter und Kilian Jockisch / Andy Westner, Werner Schührer und Christian Zöhrer / Max Otto Zitzelsberger

Design: Marion Blomeyer / Steffen Kehrle /  Gerhardt Kellermann / Theresa Reiter & Katharina Weber / Sebastian Thies / Christian Zanzotti

Photography: Kilian Blees / Elke Dreier / Florian Freier / Erica Overmeer /  Mara Pollak / Carola Vogt & Peter Boerboom

Jewellery: Nicole Beck / Christine Graf / Junwon Jung /  Annamaria Leiste / Nadja Soloviev


The impressive overall view of the nominations for the awards has a long tradition as an exhibition in the Lothringer13 Halle. The audience experiences a surprising and unconventional juxtaposition of high-quality positions in the fields of visual and applied arts. The more than 30 invited artists, offices and agencies give an exemplary insight into Munich’s remarkable young art and design scene in international comparison. At the Lothringer13 Halle, they each present an excerpt from their work.