double trouble \ double grins \ is it so with \ twins

June 30 – September 22, 2019

Roger Ballen  / Joseph Beuys / Jorge Méndez Blake / Alighiero (e) Boetti / Claude Cahun & Marcel Moore / Wanda Perrone Capano / Martin Creed / Jun Fujiyasu / Rita Hensen / Huber.Huber / Gerry Johansson / Fie Norsker / Timm Rautert / Gregor Schneider / Linn Schröder / Asbjørn Skou / Neal Slavin / Janos Stekovics / Kristina Stoltz / Will Viney / Gillian Wearing / et al.

<p>© Linn Schröder <em>Ich denke auch Familienbilder</em> O.T. #34</p>

© Linn Schröder Ich denke auch Familienbilder O.T. #34

One zodiac sign, two individuals, multiple mirroring and many myths:
although under two percent of all births result in twin siblings,
there are countless pictures, ideas, and stories about twin existence and twinning.

The theme of this group exhibition is twins and “twinning”. Presenting works that reflect on individuality, about people in close coexistence, which not only creates them but also some understanding of what it means to be humans, about interconnectedness and projections. Twins represent the most obvious examples, but others who shape their lives in a special symbiosis are under the microscope as well.

The exhibition is dedicated to the fascination of the individual as a multiple
and how that manifests itself in content shaping the idea. Quite often in art and society you find, imaginative and inaccurate images and depictions of twins, very rarely twins that are ‘normal’ and never two distinct individuals. There’s a fusion of the identical and identity. From the endless resources we have selected works from a wide range of perspectives and media that represent more than a double gaze on doubles. Artworks from more than half a century. Intertwining myths, science, and arts.

we should not forget about the human craving for being loved, understood and close with someone, and how we could grow in and by a twinning world. The fascination may come from deeper longings for community, to be understood and not be alone.

Curated by Lene Harbo Pedersen
in dialogue with Jörg Koopmann

M94,5 Radio has an interview in english with the curator online, and BR2 Radio recently made a nice german feature about the exhibition

Translations generously supported by Danish Arts Foundation

<p>© Neal Slavin <em>International Society of Twins</em>, from the book <em>When Two Or More Are Gathered Together</em> / Farrar, Straus & Giroux, NY 1976</p>

© Neal Slavin International Society of Twins, from the book When Two Or More Are Gathered Together / Farrar, Straus & Giroux, NY 1976