Der Komfort-Kuppel-Komplex

January 17 – March 17, 2018

Augarten Porzellanmanufaktur Wien
Shannon Bool
Fred Forest
Yona Friedman & Jean-Baptiste Decavèle
Tim Gambell & Alfons Hooikaas (Emblemmatic)
Édouard Glissant
Guðný Guðmundsdóttir
Brooks B. Harding
Mark Henning
William Klein
Adolph Freiherr Knigge
Jean Rouch
Karlheinz Stockhausen
Jenni Tischer
Daniel van der Velden & Vinca Kruk (Metahaven)
Erik van der Weijde

This is a themed exhibit! For the current event we are not exploring the question of how a “European revolt” would look and what might happen after such a highly energetic act, rather we are setting up an experiment with the help of the philosopher Slavoj Žižek: Some time ago he designed the image of a “dome” in which those who profit from globalisation are in charge. He is pursuing an idea first suggested by a colleague of his, Peter Sloterdijk – the idea of a “World Interior of the Capital”. It might conjure up images of the visionary Buckminster Fuller’s “Dome over Manhattan” (ca. 1960). And yet one would have to imagine this creation in a glassy, superdimensional form as it spans the entire Western World. Within the dome, there are things sprouting up, which are sometimes strange and often frightening.
The things which one or two generations have striven for and now take for granted are questioned. And cherished notions of the liberally-minded are captured and often leveled against their creators. How to react? What to do? For starters, become aware of one’s own stories: Who are we? Where is the light? Where is the air? And the ground? Do we want to remain under glass, or does someone have the key?
Using historical artifacts and pieces derived from the visual arts, film and design, this associative exhibition showcases the most diverse facets of our glass-dome-existence.

Curated by Swantje Grundler & Thomas Mayfried

Tuesday to Sunday  11.00 – 20.00 h

Petit á petit by Jean Rouch, 92 min starts: 11.30h / 13.00h / 14.45h / 16.30h/ 18.15h

Jean Rouch
screening supported by
Les Films du Jeudi, Paris
Fondation Jean Rouch
Centenaire Jean Rouch 2017

Digitalisation and restauration
supported by
Centre national du cinéma
et de l’image animée, Paris