byebye pattern – a farewell friday

01/24/20 / 19:13

The current exhibition, curated by Lene Harbo Pedersen and Jörg Koopmann, ends on Sunday January 26th and marks the end of the Lothringer13 Halle years with Jörg Koopmann as director.
The farewell and transition is celebrated loud and quiet two days before, with the team, friends, fans, skeptics and praisers, neighbors and newcomers.
There are also several musical Munich premieres:
7:13 pm:
Mathias Götz (trombone) & Colin Gilder (drums)
and Mathias Götz (trombone), Theresa Loibl (clarinet) and Emil Bekir (cello) in a trio.
In between, without free jazz on the microphone:
Munich’s director of the department for arts+culture, Anton Biebl and probably also Jörg Koopmann.
about 8:13 p.m .:
Stine Grøn from Copenhagen sings for us solo on this special evening. Her intoxicating voice has been looping on headphones in the exhibition salon since December 12th, but other emotional knots are loosened when hearing her live …
There are rumours about surprises of other program parts, we´ll see.