Artist Talk with Rana El Nemr (Kairo)


Media artist Rana ElNemr is rooted in the art scene of Cairo and its urban environment. She moves from formalistic, photographic explorations to genre-critical, visual “essays” of her environment. She deals with questions of experience in space and time. Formal imaging techniques combine them with contemporary, artistic practices and explore forms of transdisciplinary collaboration in various constellations. She is represented internationally in exhibitions and residencies as well as a mentor and lecturer. In 2004 she was one of the founders of the Contemporary Image Collective (CIC).

In conversation with Prof. dr. Kerstin Pinther gives you an insight into her work and invites you to exchange about art and mediation practice in Germany and Egypt.

The Egyptian guest artist Rana ElNemr will start the second round of the program “Artist in Residence. Art concept-mediation “.

Moderation: Prof. Dr. Kerstin Pinther (LMU München)

Talk in english and german

She Who Tells a Story: Rana El Nemr

<p><i>Datei: Rana El Nemr</i></p>

Datei: Rana El Nemr