and the festival program digs deeper and deeper, while food is on offer in the yard and books and coffe handled in the rroom.
day two:
4pm, Lothringer13
Artist Talk Apples for Sale
Rebecca Sampson in conversation with Cale Garrido (independent journalist, photo editor and curator, Hamburg)
5pm, Lothringer 13
Live Chat from Munich to Paris Wolfgang
David Fathi in conversation with the Fotodoks crowd
5.30pm, Lothringer13
Lecture Monsanto® – a photographic investigation
Mathieu Asselin talks about his long-term project
6pm, Lothringer13
Artist Talk Monsanto® – a photographic investigation
Mathieu Asselin in conversation with Florian Schairer (piqd, Munich)
7pm, Lothringer13
Lecture EXTINCTION? REBELLION! Documentary photography needs biotopes in times of self-publishing and mobile phone cameras
Susanne Kurz (filmmaker and politician Bündnis 90/Die Grünen, Munich)
8pm, Lothringer 13
Lecture Yes means yes and…
Katja Bürkle (actress, Munich) reads an excerpt from the book „Yes means yes and…“ written by Carolin Emcke, published by Fischer Verlag, May 2019
8.45, Lothringer 13
Artist-Talk Fifty-fifty
Samuel Gratacap in conversation with Claus-Peter Reisch (skipper of the rescue ship “Lifeline” and author)