Frederike Helwig
ACHTUNG: extended until 21.october.
opening: 14. September 2018 / 7pm
Kriegskinder unearths the memories of those born in the time of National Socialism in Germany, understanding the experience of the Second World War from a child’s perspective. The book, by photographer Frederike Helwig, is a portrait of a generation whose memories will soon disappear with them. Portraits of the “Kriegskinder” are contrasted with narratives of their childhood experiences. The book explores who they are today and how those early experiences have shaped them and thus their country. Through personal portrayals, the book looks more widely at how the past influences the present, and emphasizes an importance in opening up a dialogue between generations. This is fundamental to our understanding of the world today. “What is not brought to light and engaged with individually and within the family finds its way into society and politics: The NSU (National Socialist Underground), Pegida (Patriotic Europeans Against the Islamization of the West), or the AfD (Alternative for Germany) are certainly expressions of transgenerational transmission, too.” AS